On Sunday 18 February, we will welcome teachers,
Learning and Teaching English through CLIL in Tenerife
Also this Saturday, a group of primary and
New 2024 dates: Learning and teaching English through CLIL
Our CLIL courses will be running in the following
Learning and Teaching English through Science in Tenerife
We are delighted to welcome a group of primary and
Learning and Teaching English through CLIL in Tenerife
On Saturday, a group of primary teachers and
Learning and Teaching English through CLIL in Malaga
We look forward to welcoming to Malaga tomorrow a
French teachers in the news in Oviedo!
Nursery and primary teachers from Académie de
Learning and Teaching English through CLIL in Oviedo
Tomorrow, we are delighted to start a new English
Learning and Teaching English through CLIL in Madrid
We look forward to being joined in Madrid this