The resources here put into practice the CLIL principles you have been exploring. They have been organised according to teaching language, and by curriculum topic.
All of the Lesson Plans are in English, but contain short scripts for the Target Language that the teacher (and sometimes the learners) might want to use. These are especially for the guidance of non-specialist language teachers, as are the related sound files which provide models of those scripted items.
The lesson plans and their associated resources have been designed and collated by native speaker teachers for learners in upper Primary and lower Secondary schools. The recommended age and stage is indicated in the Lesson Plans. Some are for a sequence of lessons, whereas others are just for single lessons, and all the resources can be adapted to fit your individual teaching context.
- These are ready-to-go resources
- Choose the language and the topic you want to teach
- Use the Index below to see the target age range of each resource
- If you want to develop your own resources, you will find support in our next section : Learning Pathways
The ELAPSE resources refer occasionally to material in external links of an educational nature which we do not control, and, as with all Internet links, these may disappear or move over time. ELAPSE cannot be responsible for all of these; we recommend you download those resources which are permitted, or take screenshots of pages for reference.